Selected Recent Publications:
Personality and Environmental Influences and Outcomes
Roberts, B.W., & Bogg, T. (2004). A 30-year longitudinal study of the relationships between conscientiousness-related traits and the social-environmental factors and substance-use behaviors that influence health. Journal of Personality, 72, 325-354.
Solomon, M.F. (2000). The fruits of their labors: A longitudinal exploration of parent personality and adjustment in their adult children. Journal of Personality, 68, 281-308.
Agronick, G.S., & Duncan, L.E. (1998). Personality and social change: Individual differences, life path, and importance of the women's movement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 1545-1555.
Roberts, B. W., & Helson, R. (1997). Changes in culture, changes in personality: The influence of individualism in a longitudinal study of women. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, 641-651.